The environmental impact of draft beer vs bottled or canned beer

As a beer distributor, it's important to consider the impact that your products have on the environment. While bottles and cans may be convenient for individual consumption, they also come with a heavy environmental toll. According to the Container Recycling Institute, it takes 95% less energy to produce a keg of beer than it does to produce cans or bottles of the same amount. Additionally, kegs can be reused up to 100 times, while bottles and cans can only be used once before they end up in a landfill.

On top of the energy savings, kegs also require less packaging, which reduces waste. When you consider the transportation of beer as well, kegs are much more efficient. Because they hold more beer, fewer trips are needed to distribute the same amount, leading to fewer carbon emissions.

By switching to a draft beer system, bars and restaurants can not only save money and reduce waste, but they can also reduce their environmental impact. And with tools like Floteq USA, it's easier than ever to track and optimize your draft lines. Floteq USA is the industry's first data-rich draft line tracking solution, completely independent of humans for accuracy. It tracks volume, line sanitation, keg changes, brand performance, and even has a "PourScore" to give you a complete view on your business. So not only are you doing good for the environment by switching to a draft system, you can also streamline and improve your business with Floteq USA.


The history and evolution of keg beer


The benefits of switching to a draft beer system for bars and restaurants