Implementing a draft beer club or subscription service to increase customer loyalty and revenue

As a bar or restaurant owner, it's important to find ways to increase customer loyalty and drive repeat business. One way to do this is by implementing a draft beer club or subscription service.

A draft beer club or subscription service allows customers to sign up to receive a regular selection of draft beers, either on a monthly or quarterly basis. This can help to increase customer loyalty by giving customers a reason to come back to your establishment on a regular basis.

In addition to increasing customer loyalty, a draft beer club or subscription service can also help to increase revenue. By offering a discounted price for a subscription, you can encourage customers to sign up and commit to a longer-term purchase. This can help to bring in a steady stream of revenue, rather than relying on sporadic or one-time purchases.

To fully optimize the benefits of your draft beer club or subscription service, it's important to track your draft usage and customer purchases. This can help you identify which beers are performing well and which may need to be rotated out.

One innovative solution that can help bar and restaurant owners track their draft usage and optimize their draft business is Floteq USA, the industry's first data-rich draft line tracking solution. Floteq USA not only tracks volume, but also line sanitation, keg changes, brand performance, and POS integration creates the "PourScore" to give users a complete view of their business.

What sets Floteq USA apart is that it is completely independent of humans for accuracy. This provides certainty in your draft business, allowing you to make informed decisions about your draft lines and optimize your draft beer club or subscription service. By using Floteq USA, you can track your draft usage and customer purchases, helping you to make data-driven decisions.

In summary, implementing a draft beer club or subscription service can help to increase customer loyalty and drive repeat business in your bar or restaurant. By tracking your draft usage with a solution like Floteq USA, you can optimize your draft beer club or subscription service and make informed decisions to improve efficiency and increase revenue.


Utilizing a draft system to offer a variety of beer styles and flavors to appeal to a wider range of customers


Utilizing a draft system to offer a wider selection of beers without increasing storage or inventory costs